Does the Holy Spirit really leaves one when he sin?

Growing as a young boy I was taught by my Sunday school teacher that when a believer sin,  the Holy Spirit leaves him and go back to heaven - until that person ask for forgiveness he remain void of the Holy Spirit. I believed it so much and tried as much as possible not to lie or steal and if I do tell a lie and later remember I would imagine that the Holy Spirit had left me - am on my own now I would say. I would sometimes pray asking the Holy Spirit to come back.  I believed this for so many years until I was meditating on God's love towards man that a thought stroke my mind like lightening "was God's promise never to leave us conditional?"

Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed—be financially ethical], being content with what you have; for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” Hebrew 13:5 AMP
Going through the verse above you will notice that it is not a conditional statement. Understand that am not trying to establish the fact that even in sin God is still with a person  - no!!  What am trying to establish is that God never leave his children. I

  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

Even when the children of Israel sinned He would discipline them but not leave them.  God has been looking out for man from the beginning. We are God's carrier,  in those days the presence of God was conveyed in an ark. In the old testament God was with them!  He was Emanuel onto them while in the new testament  God lives in us!

Here is an illustration.  I will liken a believer  to a mobile phone.  I think they are all similar  - mobile phones transmit and receive signal while the believe having having the Holy Spirit  communicates signals to God as well - in fact there were times Jesus gave commanded his disciples through the Holy Spirit.

With your mobile phone connected toast network provider via SIM card  one can be connect to others around the world but that is no guarantee that you can access the network provided by the network provider anywhere.  There are places that you can not access the network.
In the journey of this life, we are humans and we may find ourself in a place we are not supposed to be known as the sin zone,  in such cases just like the mobile phtone, we will be out of network coverage. To access God we have to leave the not suppose to be area  - as long as one remain in the not suppose to be area we will be cut off from connection. But being out of network coverage doesn't mean that there is no network coverage at all - it only mean that  one is out of bound.  If one however manages to come out of them not suppose to go area will  find God outside waiting. He is there,  He will always be!  When next you find yourself in a not suppose to be area just find your way back and you will find Him waiting,  if you lack the energy to come  out you can always make emergency call and He will be there.

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